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February 24, 2021 3:00PM

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By Celarity, a Staffing & 招聘机构营销,创意 & Digital Talent

The shift to remote work in 2020 created a new need for organizations to engage team members differently. In July of 2020, Gallup reported the largest drop in employee engagement since they began tracking 20 years earlier. 

员工敬业度推动团队成员的绩效和组织的认同. 更敬业的员工意味着更高的生产力. 除了员工敬业度的商业原因之外,还有一个原因 essential link 员工敬业度和员工幸福感之间的关系.

Over the past year, Celarity had the unique perspective of hearing from an extensive range of company leaders and talent - most either thriving or struggling with employee engagement in their organizations. Celarity has also tracked how our internal team and contract employees feel about team engagement, 定期对他们进行调查并征求反馈.

Gaining an engagement baseline for your team may be a good start to start towards employee engagement, especially as the 远程办公趋势持续 - perhaps indefinitely. The good news is that you can begin engaging your team today with new ideas for the remote-first environment. 

了解员工敬业度是至关重要的. A recent internal poll shows that 87% of our team members feel their current engagement level is the same or better than pre-pandemic levels. Employee reviews of the organization have never been more enthusiastic, earning us the 2021年Glassdoor员工选择奖

We can attribute this achievement to tactics we learned from clients, candidates, and team members. We are all in this together and want to share a few engagement tactics with other organizations.


除了活动列表, this playbook includes best practices for executing events and keeping things fresh and exciting! 

Trivia or Games

The Idea:

利用虚拟琐事或游戏吸引团队参与的方法有很多. Trivia or games can be executed as weekly activities or as part of a larger, special team event.

Simple Steps:

不管你如何将琐事融入到团队中, 以下是运行益智游戏的建议:

  • Pick a trivia point person - they'll be in charge of picking the type of game/category, running the game, tracking scores, 并作为裁判,以确保整体的公平.
  • 确保你已经准备好了正确的软件和正确的设置.e., Zoom hosting capabilities, 有预先确定的小组任务的分组讨论室, 还有会议室计时器).
  • 通过命名和奖励获胜者来结束游戏(或一系列游戏)

Additional Resources:

If you don’t have a trivia point person volunteer, there are online services you can use! Here's one example: Trivia Hub Live. If you're looking for ideas around the best games to play over Zoom, you've got to see this list.

Cooking Events

The Idea:

Remember the fun, in-person team parties revolving around all that delicious food? 许多团队喜欢做辣椒烹饪、聚餐或烹饪活动. 自从改用远程工作以来, some employees have missed out on the long-held tradition of food bringing teams together. 但是,与食物的接触并不一定是过去的事情. 你可以和你的团队策划一个难忘的晚会, or your clients, 使用烹饪活动平台,如 HUNGRY Virtual Xperience.

Simple Steps:


  • 提前预定你的厨师.
  • Choose simple recipes.
  • 选择一个适合家庭的时间.
  • 提供尽可能多的所需物品(例如.e.、非传统烹饪设备和不易腐烂的食材).
  • For perishable items, send out an ingredients list via email with reminders in place - especially two days before the event.
  • Ensure the perishable ingredient list specifies the exact amounts and types of ingredients needed. 
  • Use down-time (when food is cooking or baking) for communication and engagement - consider prepping group questions or topics in advance for conversation starters.

Additional Resources:

如果你正在寻找其他基于食物的虚拟团队建设活动? Here are some more ideas.

Happy Hours

The Idea:

欢乐时光是受欢迎的员工参与活动, and they can encompass more than sitting down at the computer with a beer with colleagues. Leaders can use this teambuilding time to facilitate conversations that are both fun and meaningful. 例如,团队可以利用虚拟欢乐时光来了解新员工.

Simple Steps:

  • 找一个志愿者来主持欢乐时光.
  • Pick a theme (e.g.比如认识新员工、不明飞行物、超级碗广告等等.).
  • 为参与者准备一些非侵入性的问题来分享他们自己, their ideas, 以及他们对一个话题的看法.
  • 拍一张“布雷迪束”的照片,你的团队可以在社交媒体上分享.
  • 小贴士——用问答来打破僵局:分成两组,用一个主题, 3分钟的琐事游戏,让笑声滚滚.

Additional Resources:

你的快乐时光变得乏味了吗? Check out these 59个有趣的虚拟欢乐时光点子,游戏, & Themes In 2021.

Professional Development

The Idea:

Professional development can be as simple as your team reading a book and coming together for a discussion. 或者,你可以为你的团队聘请一位相关主题的专家. 

Workshops are also great ways to engage employees: successful workshops focus on relevant content and use an engaging format that includes a presentation, Q&A,小组讨论,以及创造性的例子.

Simple steps:


  • Hire an expert or ask internal leaders and volunteers with expertise on a topic to lead an event.
  • Create goals, objectives, and outcomes for your professional development sessions.
  • 要求每个人在活动期间露面.
  • 通过聊天功能、投票、问答等创造持续参与的氛围&A、小组讨论.
  • 如果你正在使用演示文稿,保持它干净,简单,引人入胜(不要啰嗦)。.
  • 确保你把会议记录下来,并在活动结束后发给你的团队.

Additional Resources:

准备好安排一个专业发展会议? Here are some topics to get your creative-brain going to create a timely and engaging event for your team.

Wellness + Fitness

The Idea:

Health & 健康一直是许多人关注的问题, 随着WFH压力和Covid-19焦虑的加剧, 2020年,健身器材售罄,面包烘焙价格飙升. Many leaders wonder how they can help facilitate healthy living in an era that's fraught with wellness challenges. 

一种方法是创造一个健康挑战. 从瑜伽和冥想到健康研讨会和营养, 虚拟团队有许多健康挑战选项. 

Simple Steps:

If you're going to put together a wellness challenge, here are suggestions for success:

  • Host an event at the beginning of the challenge: highlight why you are creating the challenge, outline desired outcomes, 并给出详细的指示和计划.
  • Ask participants to track their progress during the entire challenge - this could be in the form of a journal, fitness tracking app, 或者是跟踪工具的组合.
  • Consider having a check-in meeting or a series of check-in meetings during the challenge. 
  • Host an event at the end of the challenge: this may be a great time to do something extra special to celebrate, such as hiring an expert 主持冥想课或健身课. Then, discuss how the challenge went for individuals who are willing to share their personal experiences with the group as a whole or in smaller breakout sessions.

Additional Resources:

比如工作场所健身挑战的想法? Here are some ideas for remote teams in 2021.

More Team Engagement Ideas

Below is a list of more engagement ideas from clients, contract employees, and internal team members. Their thoughts are excellent and provide additional creative ideas for consideration. 


  • 15分钟的起立/签到环节.
  • 在会议期间播放视频,以支持参与和问责.
  • 职业发展机会,比如LinkedIn的多元化认证.
  • Share weekend ideas to inspire team members to get out of their homes and recharge. 
  • 公司或部门的周年纪念日/生日庆祝活动. 
  • 在会议结束时留一点时间进行社交对话. 
  • 鼓励与会者分享一些令人兴奋或与工作无关的事情.
  • Lunchtime non-video chat (people sometimes feel overwhelmed by the number of video-on meetings).


Virtual Family-Friendly

  • 与健康相关的活动,比如有指导的团体冥想或瑜伽 
  • Talent show
  • 适合孩子的烹饪课程
  • Scavenger hunt


  • 冬季:雪管,越野滑雪,或雪鞋徒步 
  • Patio happy hours
  • Movie theatre rental
  • Geocaching/treasure hunt
  • Picnics
  • 人行道粉笔艺术挑战赛
  • Planting class

The Key Takeaway

The pandemic has had an enormous impact on the way we've traditionally engaged teams, 我们需要找到新的, 在虚拟工作场所中激发参与度的创造性方法. 

如果你从这篇文章中得到一样东西, 请记住,让你的团队参与进来的最好方式就是从提问开始. Ask them for ideas around how they want to be involved and create buy-in through the process. Enable your team to collaborate with you on creating a successful team engagement strategy. 

Celarity's mission: Creating happy careers with meaningful connections is at the core of what we do. 如果你正在寻找一个合作伙伴来支持你的团队, 一位才华横溢的专业人士加入你的团队, 或者有其他连接需求, Celarity can help. 今天通过电子邮件sbf111胜博发 or calling 952.941.0022.

Celarity是一家屡获殊荣的人力资源公司 & 招聘机构营销,创意 & Digital talent with a mission of Creating happy careers with meaningful connections. They provide remarkable experiences and results for both clients and candidates and have proudly connected 600+ companies with over 5,000 candidates. 了解更多关于清晰度的信息
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